Calling all Featherweighters! It’s time for the Spring Featherweight Festival! Bring your beloved Featherweight and quilt with us for 3 glorious days! There is an optional potluck the first night and dinner provided the second night (included in fee). The other meals are on your own, and bring an optional snack to share. There will also be stretch breaks and demo’s.
15 minute chair massages will also be available. $20 payable directly to the massage therapist. She takes cash, check and Venmo.
Signups will start Tuesday, February 4 at 10 am. You may sign up yourself and one friend. Payment needed at time of sign ups. Call the shop 320-587-8341 (please do not leave a message as we cannot get to them in time) or stop in person. Limit of 22.
Retreat Fee: $40